1201, rue de la Visitation, Montréal, H2L 2L9, Québec
- Entrance: door sill more than 13 mm : 35 mm
- Entrance: fixed access ramp : en pente raide
- Entrance: limited manoeuvring space in front of the door
Public washroom*
- Washroom non accessible : il faut emprunter 5 marches pour y accéder
- Washrooms: clear width of door less than 710 mm : 670 mm
- Washrooms: accessible toilet stall: clear width of door between 710-800 mm : 490 mm
- Washrooms: no clearance under sink
- Washrooms: round doorknob
- Washrooms: no grab bars at toilet
Other caracteristics
- Some sections are non accessible
- Some levels are non accessible
- Guided tour(s) : baladodiffusion disponible au www.patrimoinereligieux.qc.ca sous l’onglet Activités de diffusion