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Chemin du Cap-Bon-Ami, Gaspé, G4X 6L7, Québec
Exterior Entrance
- On a gentle slope
- Circulation corridor at least 1.1 m wide
- Accessible driveway leading to the entrance
- Opening requiring significant physical effort
- No electric opening mechanism

Salle de bain
- Door latch located at a height of : 1,2cm au-dessus du sol
- No electric opening mechanism
- Maneuvering area : 1,3m de largeur x 1,5m de profondeur
- L-shaped grab bar
- Vertical component located at : 45cm en face de la cuvette
- Roll-in shower

- Gentle slope
- Gentle slope
- Compacted stone ground
- No seating reserved for disabled persons
- Compacted stone ground
- Building adapted for disabled persons
- Building adapted for disabled persons
- Entrance: exterior door sill too high : 3cm
- Entrance: automatic door
Interior of the building
- Circulation corridor without slope
- Clear width of the circulation corridor of more than 92 cm
- Clearance under table(s) : 60cm
- Easily identifiable traffic sign(s)
- No obstruction
- Campsite(s) designed to accommodate the disabled
- Campsite: no slope
- Campsite: picnic table to accommodate the disabled
- Campsite: electrical outlet between 40 cm and 1.2 m high
- Campsite: access to firepit
Trail: Accès au bâtiment de services
- Gentle slope
- Coating in compacted rock dust
- Coarse gravel surfacing
- Lawn covering