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Outdoor event
- Presence of an official landing stage
- Wheelchair
- Lawn
- Gently sloped wire covers
- Steep slope wire covers
- Presence of passage ramp
- Accessible table
Chemical toilet
- Transfer zone on the side of the bowl : 81cm de largeur x 1,5m de profondeur
- Toilet bowl seat located at a height of : 50cm au-dessus du sol
- Horizontal grab bar
- Situated at : 94cm au-dessus du sol
- Horizontal grab bar
- Situated at : 94cm au-dessus du sol
- Toilet paper dispenser located at a height of : 110cm au-dessus du sol
Outdoor dining area: Resto KWE!
- Plain paving stone
- Ground level
- Clearance under the counter of at least 68.5 cm
- Wireless or removable payment terminal
Exterior Entrance
- Circulation corridor at least 1.1 m wide
- Stable and firm floor covering
- Circulation corridor at least 1.1 m wide
- Stable and firm floor covering
- On a gentle slope
- Circulation corridor at least 1.1 m wide
- Stable and firm floor covering
Temporary kiosk: Tentes et dômes temporaires
- On a gentle slope
- Asphalt/concrete
- Lawn
Shop: Boutique des Artisans
- Circulation corridor of at least 92 cm
- Maneuvering area present at least 1.5 m in diameter
- Majority of items at hand
Exhibit area*: Espace Prestations culturelles
- Exhibit area accessible with help
- Path of travel leading to entrance steeply sloped : 8%
- Some sections are non accessible
- Reserved seating located at front