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- No parking space for handicapped persons
- No information panel about a possible accessible entrance
- Access to entrance steeply sloped : 9%
- Clear width of door exceeds 80 cm
- Double door
- No automatic door
- Outside door pull handle (D type)
- Inside door handle with push bar
- Hallway larger than 2.1 m x 2.1 m
- 2nd door: outside door pull handle (D type)
- 2nd door: inside door pull handle (D type)
Washrooms with multiple stalls*
- Sink too high : 91cm
- Clearance under the sink: larger than 68.5 cm
- Sink: lever operated faucets
- Soap dispenser far from the sink
- Soap dispenser not easy to reach
- Hand dryer too high : 1,35m
- No accessible urinal
- : 1cabinet(s) de toilette aménagé(s) pour les personnes handicapées / 11cabinet(s)
- Manoeuvring space larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m in front of the toilet stall
- Accessible toilet stall: door clear width larger than 80 cm
- Accessible toilet stall: door opening outside the stall
- Narrow accessible toilet stall : m x m
- Accessible toilet stall: narrow clear space area on the side : 74cm
- Accessible toilet stall: horizontal grab bar at right located between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground
- Accessible toilet stall: toilet paper dispenser far frrom the toilet
Exhibit area*
- All sections are accessible.
- 100% of paths of travel accessible
- Manoeuvring space diameter larger than 1.5 m available