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599, rue Principale, Granby, J2G 2X8, Québec
- One or more reserved parking spaces : 2_
- Main entrance
- Access ramp: handrail too low : 60cm
Washrooms with multiple stalls*
- Accessible toilet room
- Accessible toilet room: no signage
- Entrance: sub-standard toilet room door width : 74cm
- No clearance under the sink
- Accessible toilet stall: no inside door handle
- Accessible toilet stall: more than 87.5 cm of clear space area on the side
- Accessible toilet stall: stitled seat : 49cm
- Accessible toilet stall: diagonal grab bar at the left : 74cm
- Accessible toilet room
- Accessible toilet room: no signage
- Entrance: sub-standard toilet room door width : 74cm
- No clearance under the sink
- Accessible toilet stall: no inside door handle
- Accessible toilet stall: narrow clear space area on the side : 70cm
- Accessible toilet stall: stitled seat : 49cm
- Accessible toilet stall: diagonal grab bar at the left : 74cm
Food service*
- Food service designed for handicaped persons
- Cash stand is too high : 97cm