519, boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest , Chandler, G0C 1K0, Québec
- Reserved parking spaces near the entrance
- No passageway between spaces
- Parking space identification on the ground
Inside of the establishment*
- Public phone
- Public pay telephone: coin slots/control buttons too high : 1,35m
- Main entrance
- No information panel about a possible accessible entrance
- Fixed ramp
- Ramp with no side edge
- Access ramp: no handrail
- Landing sill too high : 7cm
- Narrow manoeuvring clearance in front of door : 0,92m x 1,5m
- Exterior door sill too high : 7cm
Washroom with one stall*
- Inacessible toilet room
- Toilet room: directional signage
- Narrow manoeuvring clearance in front of door : 0,82m x 1,5m
- Toilet bowl too near from the wall : 23cm
- No clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl
- Raised toilet seat : 38cm
- No grab bar behind the toilet
- Diagonal grab bar at left of the toilet: too low : 68cm