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1989, route du Massif, Saint-Philémon, G0R 4A0, Québec
Ski station
- On a steep slope : 12%
- Adapted ski equipment available requiring a certified instructor/guide
- Available by reservation
- Available on announced days only
- : 2(nombre) moniteur(s) certifié(s) CADS_
- Certified instructor for skiers with motor disabilities
- Certified instructor for visually impaired skiers
- Certified instructor for skiers with ASD (autism spectrum disorder)
- Certified instructor for skiers with intellectual disabilities
- Certified guide accepted by the ski resort
- Training for ski lift evacuation : _
- Dualski
- Tandemski
- Other : Tandem ski Flex_

- Coarse gravel ground
Exterior Entrance*
- Maneuvering space of at least 1.5 m x 1.5 m
- Difference in level between the exterior floor covering and the door sill : 2cm
- Insufficient clear width : 72cm
- Opening requiring significant physical effort
- No electric opening mechanism
- Exterior thumb latch handle
- Area of at least 2.1 m x 2.1 m
- No difference in level between the exterior floor covering and the door sill
- No difference in level between the interior floor covering and the door sill
- Free width of at least 80 cm
- Opening requiring significant physical effort
- No electric opening mechanism
- No horizontal strip and/or patterns on glass door
- No horizontal strip and/or patterns on glass door
Interior entrance
- Maneuvering space : 1,42m x 1,5m
- Free width of at least 80 cm
- Opening requiring significant physical effort
- No electric opening mechanism
Interior of the building: Hâle d'entrée et billetterie
- No contrasting color bands on the nosing of the stairs
- No grip tape
- Handrail : 110cm au-dessus du plancher
- Wireless or removable payment terminal
- No obstruction
- No machinery to go up
- Clearance depth under sink : 24cm
- Faucets away from the rim of the sink : 44cm
- Indoor maneuvering space at least 1.2 m wide x 1.2 m deep inside
- Free width of the door at least 80 cm
- Transfer zone on the side of the toilet bowl of at least 90 cm
- Toilet bowl seat : 49cm
- Oblique right
- Too small : 60cm de longueur
- Located : 70cm au-dessus du plancher
- Surface between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm above the floor
- Clearance under the sink of at least 68.5 cm above the floor
- Clearance depth under sink : 24cm
- Maneuvering space in front of the door at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m deep
- Interior Maneuvering Space : 1,1m de largeur x 1,1m de profondeur
- Free width of the door at least 80 cm
- Transfer area on the side of the toilet bowl : 68cm
- Toilet bowl seat : 50cm
- Oblique left
- Too small : 60cm de longueur
- Located : 70cm au-dessus du plancher
- Accessible toilet room: no signage
- Accessible toilet room: no signage

Restoration: Bar le Sous-Bois
- Removable Terminal
- No machinery to go up
- 25% of the tables are accessible.
- No machinery to go up

Shop: Boutique MDS (location)
- Circulation corridor of at least 92 cm
- Maneuvering area present at least 1.5 m in diameter
- Wireless or removable payment terminal
- Circulation corridor of at least 92 cm
- Maneuvering area present at least 1.5 m in diameter
- Wireless or removable payment terminal