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1201, boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest, Montréal, H3B 2L7, Québec

Salle de bain
- Free width of at least 80 cm
- Maneuvering area at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m deep
- Transfer area on the side of the bowl at least 90 cm wide x 1.5 m deep
- Horizontal grab bar
- Length of at least 76 cm
- Situated at : 96cm au-dessus du sol
- A horizontal grab bar
- Length of at least 60 cm
- Situated at : 19cm du réservoir d’eau
- Maneuvering area in front of the sink at least 80 cm wide x 1.2 m deep
- Surface located at a height between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm above the ground
- Clearance under the sink with a height of at least 68.5 cm above the floor
- Faucets located at a distance of : 46cm du rebord du lavabo
- Roll-in shower
- Area of more than 90 cm x 1.5 m
- Retractable fixed transfer bench
- Vertical bar
- Length : 60cm
- Horizontal, vertical or oblique bar
- Horizontal element at least 1 m long
- Horizontal element located between 75 cm and 87 cm above the ground
- Maneuvering area inside in front of the door : 1m de largeur x 0.67 m de profondeur
- Clear Width : 75cm
- Maneuvering area : 1,10m de largeur x 0,69m de profondeur
- No transfer zone on the side of the bowl
- No grab bar
- No grab bar
- A horizontal grab bar
- Length of at least 60 cm
- Located 10 cm above the water tank
- Maneuvering area in front of the sink : 0,73cm de largeur x 1,10cm de profondeur
- Surface located at a height between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm above the ground
- Clearance under the sink with a height of at least 68.5 cm above the floor
- Shower with a threshold height of : cm
- Clear area in front of the shower : 0,67cm x 1,10cm
- Area of : 0,74cm x 1,45cm
- Retractable fixed transfer bench
- Transfer bench at a height between 40 cm and 45 cm from the bottom of the shower
- Vertical bar
- Length : 65cm
- No grab bar
- Horizontal element at least 1 m long
- Horizontal element located at : 72cm au-dessus du sol
- Unobstructed area in front of shower exceeds 90 cm x 1.5 m
Exterior Entrance
- Accessible driveway leading to the entrance
- Vestibule at least 1.5 m deep and at least 1.2 m wide
- Sliding doors
- Sliding doors

- More than 201 places
- Free width of at least 2.4 m
- Free width of the side aisle on the side of at least 1.5 m
- Slots (coin, card or parking ticket) and raised control buttons : 1440m
Interior entrance
- Free width of at least 80 cm
- Lock with magnetic card
- Free width of at least 80 cm
- Lock with magnetic card
Interior of the building
- Clear width of the circulation corridor of more than 92 cm
- Dimension of at least 1.37 m wide x 2.03 m deep
- Counter surface : 110cm au-dessus du plancher
- No clearance under the counter
- Wireless or removable payment terminal
- Path of travel exceeds 92 cm
Accommodation Unit
- Mattress Top : 52cm au-dessus du plancher
- Clearance under the bed of at least 15 cm
- Desk surface located between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm above the floor
- Clearance under the desk of at least 68.5 cm above the floor
- Maneuvering space of at least 1.5 m in diameter
- Circulation corridor of at least 92 cm
- Mattress Top : 52cm au-dessus du plancher
- Clearance under the bed of at least 15 cm
- Transfer area between beds : 80cm
- Desk surface located between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm above the floor
- Clearance under the desk of at least 68.5 cm above the floor
- Transfer zone on side of bed exceeds 92 cm
- 2 beds
- Transfer zone on side of bed exceeds 92 cm
Living room*
- Living room: manoeuvring space with diameter of at least 1.5 m available
- Living room: sofa less than 50 cm from floor
Universal washroom
- Transfer zone on the side of the bowl of at least 87.5 cm
- Horizontal behind the bowl
- Oblique right
- Tilted the wrong way
- Accessible sink

- Circulation corridor of at least 92 cm
- Maneuvering area of at least 1.5 m in diameter available
- Accessible table(s)
- 75% of the tables are accessible.
Swimming pool*
- Swimming pool: no equipment adapted for disabled persons
- Access to swimming pool : 5marches