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1031, route 111 Est, Amos, J9T 1N2, Québec
- One or more reserved parking spaces : 1_
- Parking space identification on the ground and on a blue and white information panel
- Parking space information panel: higher than 1.5 m
Inside of the establishment*
- No obstruction
- : 1entrée(s) accessible(s) aux personnes handicapées / 2entrée(s)
Bathroom*: Chambre 132 & 158
- Bathroom adapted for disabled persons
- Clear width of bathroom door insufficient : 74cm
- Manoeuvring space in bathroom exceeds 1.2 m x 1.2 m
- Larger than 87.5 cm clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl
- Horizontal grab bar at left of the toilet height: between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground
- Horizontal grab bar at left of the toilet height: between 84 cm and 92 cm
- Sink height: between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm
- Clearance under the sink: larger than 68.5 cm
- clear space area in front of the sink larger than 80 cm x 1.2 m
- Standard bathtub/shower
- Unobstructed area in front of bathtub exceeds 80 cm x 1.5 m
- Bathtub: grab bar on back wall: exceeds 1.2 m in length
- Bathtub: grab bar near faucets: vertical
Washrooms with multiple stalls*
- Accessible toilet room
- Entrance: automatic door
- Sink height: between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm
- clear space area in front of the sink larger than 80 cm x 1.2 m
- Narrow manoeuvring clearance in front of door : 1,0m x 1,5m
- Accessible toilet stall: manoeuvring space larger tham 1.2 mx 1.2 m
- Accessible toilet stall: more than 87.5 cm of clear space area on the side
- Accessible toilet stall: horizontal grab bar at right located between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground
- Accessible toilet stall: horizontal grab bar behind the toilet located between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground
- Accessible toilet room
- Entrance: automatic door
- Sink height: between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm
- clear space area in front of the sink larger than 80 cm x 1.2 m
- Sink: faucets with sensor
- Narrow manoeuvring clearance in front of door : 1,0m x 1,5m
- Accessible toilet stall: door clear width larger than 80 cm
- Accessible toilet stall: manoeuvring space larger tham 1.2 mx 1.2 m
- Accessible toilet stall: more than 87.5 cm of clear space area on the side
- Accessible toilet stall: horizontal grab bar at the left
- Accessible toilet stall: horizontal grab bar behind the toilet located between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground
Food service*: Resto-Bar
- Food service designed for handicaped persons
- Access to the dining room
- Main entrance inside the building
- 75% of the tables are accessible.
- Manoeuvring space diameter larger than 1.5 m available
- Portable table : 75%
- Table service available
- Bill to pay at the rable